
Sallam.. Hi everyone, how are you?

I realize something important of my life
I got it from my twitter

“Apakah manusia mengira, bahwa ia akan dibiarkan begitu saja (tanpa pertanggung jawaban)?” (QS. Qiyamah: 36)
Hendaknya kita berhati-hati dalam berucap & berbuat, karena semua pasti akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban oleh Allah Ta’ala di akhirat.
“Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan & hati, semuanya itu akan diminta pertanggungjawabannya.” (QS. Al Isra’: 36)

I realize this social media that I wrote today, Allah will ask my responsibility.

I tried to be a better muslimah
Because I realize I should be a better muslimah
I tried to be a better human
Because I realize I should be a better human

I learn how to be a better
I ask how to be a better

I heard the rule
I see the rule

Now, just our choice
What would us pick?

May Allah SWT guide us to the right path. Amin